bee on flower

Turf and Landscape Pest Problems Updates: Tuesdays on Zoom


Turf and Landscape Updates for Commercial Pesticide Applicators

  • Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
  • Tuesday, March 5, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
  • Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

We hope you can attend Turf and Landscape Pest Problem Updates:Tuesdays On Zoom! You may attend one, two or all three of these sessions. Earn 1.0 NYS DEC Pesticide Recertification Credit in Categories 3A or 10 for each session you attend.  If you have any questions after reading this, please call David Chinery or Marcie Vohnoutka at (518) 272-4210 or email

Course Location:How Are We Doing This?

This class will be offered using Zoom, the cloud-based video communications app.You will need access to a computer with internet, Zoom, sound and camera capabilities.That means we will need to be able to see you and hear you through your computer.We will need to see you and your identification (such as a driver’s license) at the start of each day via video.We will also ask a series of questions during each class session, which you will have to answer, so that we know you are present, and we can therefore give you pesticide credit for attending the class.

Make sure you have the free Zoom app by visiting

Cost, Registration & Questions:

You may attend one, two or all three of the sessions.The cost for this training is $10.00 per person per session.Persons needing financial assistance or special considerations should call for information.Registration will be accepted for as long as space in the class permits.Register by returning the form on the reverse.Questions? Call (518) 272-4210 or email

February 27th, 2024 

9:00 – 10:15 AM

Proper Planting Techniques to Reduce Pesticide Use”

Proper planting techniques can make the difference between a healthy transplant and a stressed plant. Stressed, unsuccessful plants require interventions that increase the use of pesticides, dig-into your bottom line and damage your business image.Jen Lerner, senior resource educator with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Putnam County, will discuss the IPM steps to use to reduce pest problems and pesticide use and to make your plants and your business look good.

For registration and full details click here

Tuesday, March 5 (Session 2)

9:00 – 10:15 AM

“Using Integrated Pest Management To Improve Turfgrass Quality”

How can we manage turfgrass areas with the most careful use of pesticides possible?We’ll look at repetitive overseeding vs herbicide use, soil testing, pest scouting and other IPMtechniques which can go a long way in keeping turf healthy.David Chinery is a senior resource educator with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rensselaer County.

For registration and full details click here

Tuesday, March 12 (Session 3)

9:00 – 10:15 AM

Diagnosing A Plant Problem 101”

Many factors cause plant problems, including weather, soil issues, insects and diseases, and it always important to properly diagnose the problem before you reach for the pesticide.  Daivd Chinery, senior resource educator for Cornell Cooperative Extension, will provide tips on tips on the diagnostic process and provide examples of when a pesticide would help, and when it won’t!

For registration and full details click here




David Chinery
Horticulture Turf Management Sr. Resource Educator
(518) 272-4210 ext 114


This event is online

Last updated January 18, 2024