View Cornell’s Hudson Valley regional spring wheat, and barley variety trials.

Our extension specialists can assist you with field crops...


Dairy cattle in the Cornell Dairy Research Center in Harford, NY (Cornell University Photography).
Image by Jason Koski


NYS sweet cherries at an NYC farmers' market
Image by Sandy Repp

farm marketing...

Greenhouse full of plants before the Dutchess County Master Gardener plant sale, 2014.

commercial horticulture...

and other agriculture production issues. Call us today!


CCE-Rensselaer works with producers - from beginning farmers to established specialized businesses - providing expert consulting and research-based resources that can help your farm compete in a global economy. Extension specialists approach your farm in a holistic way, as system of biology, finance, engineering and human interactions, all operating with a limited set of assets. Strategic improvement plans are tailored to meet the goals of the business within the constraints of their resources. From buffalo to begonias, corn to organic carrots, teff to triticale, greenhouses to grass hay, links with Cornell and other universities are utilized to provide local information to grow local businesses.


Last updated March 3, 2025