Are you a landowner wishing to lease farmland or a farmer seeking land to rent? Join us for valuable insights and strategies on how to navigate this.
Registration: The registration fee is $10 per person, which covers the cost of any materials and light refreshments. To register for the event, please visit
If you want more information about the meeting, you can contact Steve Hadcock or Mamnenge Gbim-Gbande.
Steve can be reached at 518-380-1497 and Mamnenge at 518-272-4210.
If you require assistance to register for the meeting, contact Steve Hadcock at his listed phone number."
Mamnenge Gbim-Gbande
4-H/ Agriculture Educator
Cornell Cooperative Extension Rensselaer County
99 Troy Road
East Greenbush , New York 12061
Last updated January 10, 2025