Turfgrass Research

Our Horticulture Program conducts applied research designed to help homeowners, institutions, and commercial managers have more success with their turfgrass and lawns. Our projects focus primarily on easy to implement, low-cost methods that are in harmony with the principles of integrated pest management (IPM). Partners in our projects include Cornell’s IPM Program, Faculty in the Department of Horticulture at Cornell, and the NYS Turfgrass Association.

Below is a list of past and current projects:

  • High School Sports Fields: The Last Frontier of Turfgrass Management (a survey of turfgrass practices at Capital District high schools conducted in 2000).
  • Acetic Acid As An Herbicide (a research/demonstration project looking at alternatives for weed management)
  • Scouting For White Grubs In Golf Course Turfgrass (a demonstration of scouting on local golf courses)
  • Effect Of Microbial Products On The Diseases Of Turfgrass (demonstration/research looking into new products for managing turfgrass fungal pathogens)
  • Healthy Lawns, Healthy Water (a series of programs for the public which examined the ways lawns impact the environment, with funding from the Northeast IPM Program, held in the spring of 2008)
  • Overseeding To Improve Sports Turf and Home Lawns And Reduce The Need For Chemical Herbicides (this is our current area of research)

Lawn and Turfgrass Problems?

The Capital District Turgrass Diagnostic Laboratory is available to examine turfgrass samples for insect, disease, and cultural problems. The lab features rapid insect identification, thorough disease identification, and advice from expert horticulturists.

Samples are accepted from anyone working with turfgrass and lawns:

  • Golf course superintendents
  • Sports turf managers
  • School/college groundskeepers
  • Lawn and landscape professionals
  • Homeowners

How to Submit a Sample

Please provide us with a piece of turfgrass showing both healthy and diseased plants. Golf course superintendents may use a cup cutter, while other samples should be at least 6 inches square. Information, including the location of the turf, growing conditions, fertilization program, recent treatments, and a description of the problem is needed. There is a $10.00 fee per sample.

Submitting Samples

Samples can be brought to our office at 61 State Street in Troy, NY 12180, any weekday between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. We are closed on government holidays. The person dropping off the sample is required to fill out the appropriate paperwork.


David Chinery
Horticulture Turf Management Sr. Resource Educator
(518) 272-4210 ext 114

Last updated July 26, 2019